5 things God gave us and why we should thank him.
1. Our house
2. Our property
3. Our food
4. Our parents
5. Our friends and family
We should thank him because
1. Without our house we could not rest and stuff.
2. We would not have a home without property
3. We would starve without food.
4. We wouldn't be here without parents.
5. We would be alone without friends or family.

Isaiah 51:3
The LORD will comfort Isreal again and have pity on her ruins. Her desert will bloom like Eden. Her baren wilderness like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found there. Songs of thanksgiving fill the air.
Below is the presentation of the above message. Enjoy, for many of you it'll be the shortest sermon you hear for a while.
Now, below is the original take that I tried to shoot with my cell phone. You can't hear Aaron Job very well (hence the need for the video above) BUT if you listen carefully, you can hear my sweet little 2 year old rattle off a few... um... noises while sitting on my lap. I promise it's not me you hear.
Be sure and watch to the end, because Anna (4) starts quoting one of her AWANA verses.
This is the most precious thing! I have something similar that my children wrote, I'll have to see if I can dig it up. Aaron Job looks so much like you!
Are you SURE that wasn't you on the outtake? HILARIOUS!!!
The misspelling of Israel always make me think of "God IS REAL!"
(gasp) you wouldn't dare blame on that sweet baby, would you?! Aaron Job did wonderfully - I see a future for that boy in ministry!!
You have my word ladies that it wasn't me making the noises.
Just ask Ava... she'll tell you.
Faith like that of a child. What a wonderful post. Thank you. This really lifted my spirits today as I suffer from another headache related to my surgery a few weeks ago.
Have seen you guys in years. It is good to see you raising such a God-like family.
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