
Go Gators!

Little Rock - Faculty members at Arkansas Baptist high school off Highway 10 in west Little Rock are concerned over a reptile residing near their school.According to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, a large alligator is living in a small area in the Little Maumelle River near the school, and that has some administrators and students on edge.

That's the beginning of a news story featured this week on our local ABC affiliate. You can read the entire story here or watch the news clip here. Basically, there's an alligator living in a creek that runs behind a prominent subdivision and a high school campus, that's all. Oh, and it's a few blocks away from my office.

Observe Photo #1 (click to enlarge, courtesy of Google Maps):

GREEN LINE: Little Maumelle Creek, home of the gator.
RED CIRCLE: Arkansas Baptist High School

"Um, Coach - I don't wanna play left field anymore!"

YELLOW CIRCLE: FamilyLife - See my truck!? See?! See?!
Well, as you can clearly see from the aerial photo (don't you just love Google Maps!?), I'm a mere four blocks away from being gator bait. Scary, huh?!

Now, before you start sending me mail...I'm not being totally insensitive here. I am aware that gators can be dangerous, like in this story or this story...or...this story - and especially if you live in Florida. Oh, and... um... this story.

You ever seen a gator attack, brutal?

Ok, I'm being insenstive again. Sorry. I jest only because the news story reports that there seems to be no immediate danger to the residents. Hopefully I can blog about the capture of this beast soon.

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